Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Insecurity is a scary word.
It brings with it the feeling of helplessness,
of self despair,
of inadequacy,
and of self-doubt.

a scary word indeed.

Lunch on a Friday

We had lunch after lesson on friday. From the picture, I think we can call it "Cover Your Face Day".

Dear Mel, do you seriously think that small pouch can cover your face?
Ms How How, I know it is you, so there is no point in covering your face.
This is Tiffany. She is so funny and spontaneous. Where normally she would not show much expression, it would all change the moment you point the camera in her direction. And then you will start to see all sort of funny faces.
It is now 1.36 am, and I'm feeling hungry. Time to go sleep.

Friday, July 24, 2009

My models

Went to Sunset Way for steamboat/bbq buffet on Thursday.
Went to the railway tracks before that and everyone had fun playing with the camera.
With all the assignments knocking on my door, I guess it will be quite a while before we can go out together again. Time to start knocking them out one by one.

Knock out the assignments I mean. :D

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Even more from Bintan

More from Bintan

Posting more photos from my recent trip to Bintan.
Just in case you are wondering why I cannot be found in the photos, bear in mind that someone do need to be behind the camera. Photos of me are with my friends, hopefully I will be getting them soon.

Monday, July 6, 2009


3 days in Bintan

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