Thursday, March 13, 2008


What a cold and wet week, rain had been falling non-stop, i'm sure somewhere some places is being flooded.




This song had been in my playlist since like forever, and i think it will be staying there still.
I like the rain, to feel the raindrops on my face.
But then again, please stay indoor when the rain start to get too heavy. =p

细细的小雨 一滴滴的滴入我的心

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Went out for a walk in the afternoon, the camera had been resting too long le, must let it see the light.
Currently, i am thinking of planning a shoot along the line of travel photography, in this way i can learn more about Singapore as
a country and a city. I can also do what i always want to do- travel photography, this is training for the furture. =p

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Been a long week.

Finally got to book out after burning last weekend. Not going to say what i've been doing but if you have been following the news and plus the fact that i a NSF, it's not that difficult to guess.
Hope that this thing will be over soon and that our dear abang will be swept up by the massive manpower we had thrown at him.

I actually thought of some smart and chim stuff to write but guess i will give it a miss for now. I'm just too tired mentally to think now. Still need to book in tomorrow morning, at least i got to breathe civilian air for 24 hours.

P.S- I'm being politcally correct for this post, but i really wish to break his right leg and denied him the right to go toilet... escape lah... try some more...